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7th October 2021

Hunterlodge Wins the Effectiveness Accreditation from the IPA

Announcement from Robert Hunter CEO

Hunterlodge Wins the Effectiveness Accreditation from the IPA

Hunterlodge is proud to announce it has won the Effectiveness accreditation from the IPA. This is the first time agencies have been assessed for their approach to effectiveness in terms of culture, processes and hard evidence, proving success over multiple projects – not just a one-off campaign or job, as is normally the case for award entries. Hunterlodge has always maintained a highly proactive approach to delivering the most effective work for its clients and it’s reassuring to know it has finally been recognised for having a superior and entrenched culture of effectiveness compared to most competitors. Hunterlodge is one of only 18 agencies to have achieved this along with being the only integrated agency to maintain 12 years of back-to-back Golds from the IPA for its approach to CPD. These two accolades provide indisputable proof that Hunterlodge can deliver Superior Knowledge, Superior Efficiency and Superior Effectiveness across every job to deliver its vision of being the best agency you have ever worked with.

Check out our submission video.


For more information on how we could help you be effective contact us at kim.mclellan@hunterlodge.co.uk

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